I was literally "pondering" what to write for an introduction page for this website, and realized that I would really like to be able to change it on an ongoing basis.... so here I go! Thank you for visiting my site. In the pages that follow you'll see examples of the many different media that I love to work with! I am still in "building mode" and will continue to add to this site progressively over the next month. (Still to be included are pages showing my printmaking, jewellery and glass bead work and textile art). Most of the artwork shown is for sale!! (Check the comments attached to each image) If you are interested in purchasing any of the artwork, please connect with me via email ([email protected]) and I can answer any questions that you may have! (Eventually I will build a storefront onto this website!) I appreciate any constructive feedback, comments and inquiries about my artwork, there is a guest book page at the end of this website that I would appreciate your signing! Lastly, please do not use any of the images on this website without connecting with me for permission (thank you!).... everything on these pages has taken time and effort to develop. Leanne
Ugh.... I began by making the mistake of not "previewing" a new theme....lost the theme that I had originally used (and loved the look of)!
The results have been my spending far too many hours "tinkering" with a new theme so that I could share the new images that I've added! Technology is wonderful....when it rolls along smoothly! The upside is that I have undergone a quick refresher on how to rearrange elements on the website! Another upside is my going through photos and reminding myself that even when I've been at my "busiest" I've been able to make time to let me creativity loose! And that is my reason for writing this short blog post..... there's always an "upside"!! Have a good Monday everyone! Last Sunday before the return to work this coming week. I find myself returning to the back deck to sit and soak up the sunshine....recharging my inner solar cells before the flurry of the next couple of weeks. Reality is I should be either prepping for work, beginning my ethics paper or finishing any number of projects that I began this summer.
~Not going to happen.... when the pull towards a peaceful sunny afternoon beckons the best thing to do is to surrender to the moment. After all life is just a series of moments isn't it?! Enjoy your Sunday. I love this.... a good reminder to be present in the moment, in the place where you stand. It's far too easy to get caught up in the planning, thinking, remembering, wishing, reflecting versus just being.
Life is full of possibilities.
You just have to decide which ones are meaningful to you and set a course. For me, living life creatively isn't just about my own desire to be actively creative, but also to encourage others to find the creativity within themselves. I understand the peaceful zen like "mindstate" that occurs when you are immersed in creating something. Time becomes an abstract concept and you gain a sense of focus that is a rare occurrence in this current culture of multi-tasking. I've found solace in creativity during moments of rawness that is part of the tulmutous and unpredictable nature of living life. I've discovered a voice that doesn't need to be projected from my vocal chords. I am also approaching the last 3rd of my working career and with that knowledge I am moving forward to build the final stage of my worklife. It will be one where I can help others find their voice, find their own paths towards healing to empower others through their creativity. This blog will be about my journey towards this goal. |
AuthorPracticing Artist, Full time Arts Educator, Tattoo Artist, Art Therapist, Graduate Student (Clinical Counselling)....I believe in the power of creativity! ArchivesCategories |